Mold is one of many types of fungus. Mold is a living organism that can exist in many shapes and colors, living both indoors and outdoors. Molds live in moist environments and the multiply or reproduce by using lightweight spores, capable of moving through air. We come in contact with mold every day, mostly unaware of is presence. Most mold is harmless in small amounts; however, when they find a damp spot in your home, they can easily reproduce. When spores are inhaled, it can lead to sickness.
It is very common to have mold in your home. In fact, it’s almost impossible to eliminate mold completely. This is because mold is a naturally occurring organism that lives in moisture. Mold grows on almost anything, including paper, cardboard, ceiling tiles, carpet, concrete, and more.
The most common types of mold found are Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus.
Because it naturally grows outside, it can enter though doorways, windows, air vents, or event be carried in on your clothing and shoes. Mold can also present itself through eleveated humidity levels.
Studies show that 60% humidity levels and 17% moisture content support microbial growth. This means that bathrooms and kitches can very easily be within the microbial growth range, allowing mold to grow quickly.
If you have a mold problem, it can typically be seen or smelled. Mold odors are very musky and distinct. Because mold grows in moisture, you may have mold growth behind your walls, sheetrock, wall-paper, or areas that have seen excessive dampness. Mold odor removal is a common necessity when mold has been allowed to grow uninhibited.
If your home has damp and moldy environments created by water damage or basement/garage flooding, mold may grow to cause a variety of health issues. In some cases, mold may cause no health issues at all. For a percentage of people, exposure to molds can cause symptoms such similar to a common cold. These symptoms include a stuffy nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes. People who have asthma may experience more harsh reactions to mold.